
KNPO needs to procure goods, services and works to support its activities at its offices, regional offices, and field missions. The present texts and Code of Conduct is intended to provide guidance on procurement policies, procedures and practices to all suppliers, their subcontractors and other business partners that do business with KNPO as well as all KNPO staff members involved in the procurement and acquisition processes and activities in all such offices and locations.

At KNPO, we like to think of sustainability as a word of action, something we do rather than something we simply say. It is an ongoing process with a clear direction to be continuously improved. It is a journey that requires determination, passion and teamwork. Together with our colleagues, stakeholders and business partners we work for a more sustainable future.

We plan to build strong, long-term relations with our suppliers, based on mutual trust and transparency. We hope that such initiative will bring more companies to go this way in the future, too. Demanding positive change from our suppliers is one thing, but we also need to consider how our own decisions affect our suppliers in their ability to meet our standards. This has an impact on how we design, plan and transport our goods and services.

On order to work for a more sustainable future, KNPO have four fundaments all parties involved must to respect unconditionally:


KNPO has a zero tolerance policy on bribery and corruption. This applies to all the KNPO’s business dealings and transactions in all the countries in which the KNPO and its business partners operate. KNPO does not tolerate bribery in any form and commits to a strong anti-corruption program, including this Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is applicable to all partners, suppliers, their subcontractors and other business partners that do business with Kids Non-Profit Organization (KNPO), registered in Sweden, corporate organization number 802477-9285, or any other company, wholly or partly owned, directly or indirectly, by KNPO.

Download KNPO's Code of Conduct as a PDF

Billing and payments to suppliers and partners

To ensure proper, prompt payment, all purchase order and standing order invoices must:

  • Mention KNPO reference, person
  • Include the current purchase order number 
  • Include RFP nr. if applicable
  • Include applicable Taxes if any (KNPO is a NPO)
  • Include bank & payment Information, including SWIFT code and IBAN or ABA/Routing number

Invoices submitted without the above information or with payment due date before delivery, will be returned without payment. Payment is due in full 30 business days after printed billing date and/or the delivery, if not agreed otherwise in writing. KNPO do not purchase "proforma" which means we don't pay before delivery.

These payment regulations are applicable to all suppliers and other business partners that do business with KNPO, in order to combat bribery in any form and to commit to a strong anti-corruption program, KNPO comply to OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.

All Suppliers and Business Partners have to be aware of the fact that KNPO publishes its accounting and invoices on KNPO website according to the adopted Transparency Policy.

The KNPO Procurement is committed to preserving the environment.  We encourage suppliers to help reduce paper usage by electronically delivering invoices to . To ensure prompt payment include the current purchase order number in the subject line of your email.

Legal disclaimer:

The KNPO reflectors are not a toys. It is not intended for babies and children under the age of three (3 years old).

KNPO reflective beads or reflectors are no substitute for regular road safety habits. KNPO reflective beads increase visibility in low visibility conditions, but the use of one or more reflective beads or reflectors does not offer complete protection against potential accidents. lways use the KNPO reflective beads or reflectors properly to provide maximum visibility.