
KNPO is transparent with its projects, accounting, suppliers and donations. However we respect donors who wish to remain anonymous. We work for a better life for the children of the world and our mission shall be simple, effective and non-intrusive to the local businesses or the environment.

Together with our partners KNPO makes sure that the aid reaches those in need. We gather data about the effectiveness and impacts of our interventions in order to help elaborate a results-based country strategy. We provide information about our results, free for the press and our partners to use when reporting to donors and the general public.

We follow the criteria recommended by the OECD/DAC for the evaluation of development interventions.
Read more about our procedures for Evaluation and Follow-up here.

KNPO promotes ethical and professional fund-raising and focuses on the efficient execution of its goals. Our accounting is official and published at our website with total access to all facts and figures.

KNPO North America is a US-registered 501 c3 charitable organization (EIN: 46-4096928)

Our accounting is verified by Grant Thornton for:

  • Insamlingsstiftelsen KNPO (Kids Non-Profit Organization), Sweden
  • KNPO North America, USA 

by Carl Niring/Grant Thornton

Carl Niring contact details:

Phone: +46 70 821 71 15
