Contribute. The easiest ways to help us at Kids Non-Profit Organization is by donating a sum of money. We cherish all gifts large and small, and make sure that 90% of all donations reach the children.
KNPO North America’s a registered 501(c)(3) organization and U.S. Tax Deductible. Donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Kids Non-Profit Organization’s tax ID number is 46-4096928.
Money Donations to KNPO. These include the donations you make using cash, check, credit card, debit card, payroll deduction, and automatic withdrawals from your bank account. When you make a donation to these organizations, the Internal Revenue Service allows you to take a tax deduction for your contributions. Knowing how much you can deduct will help your tax planning and annual giving, learn more about that in IRS Publication 526 (2013) or call +1 800 829 10 40 (IRS Tax questions). Remember that every situation is unique, talk to your tax adviser!
Insamlingsstiftelsen KNPO
For SEK wire transfers
Danske Bank,
Normalmstorg 1, SE- 103 92 Stockholm
Account Nr.: 1235 0246035
IBAN Nr: SE 8212000000012780180234
KNPO North America
For checks in USD
Bank of America,
1000 Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Your contribution will help us in our efforts to reduce fatalities and injuries from road accidents in developing countries.
Thank you!