About 40 people a day are killed on South African roads, R306 billion (about 31 billion USD) is lost to the economy and R15 billion is paid out to road accident victims each year.
Despite having what seems like the best road infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa, deadly accidents in South Africa occur almost every day and every minute. Most accidents seem to be the cause of drunken driving, Formula One-like driving, un-road worthy vehicles and disregard for the rule of the law, among others. Huge money is spent every year on campaigns (TV, outdoor, radio, print) calling for responsible driving and respect for traffic laws, but all this continues to fall on deaf ears.
"At present road crashes are reportedly the leading causes of death among the 15-29 age groups,” said the South African Transport Minister in a statement.
By 2015, it is projected to be the leading cause of death in the 5-15 age groups, causing more deaths even higher than HIV and Malaria. Alcohol abuse causes half of these injuries and deaths.
Of course, it's not the 31 billion dollars that troubles us at KNPO, but all the lost human lives and injuries.